Code: (14.y.URB)


Title: URBcode


/// Authors: JARD

/// Year: 2014

/// Awards: 1st prize for young researchers of Spain in the national competition Arquímedes ’15.

/// Prmtrs: Noise   Horror Vacui    Textual Media   Big data        Coding Diagram Automatic       Assemblage        Translation     Mutant               Nocturnalia        Kairos  Months  0.00 €  No      (i) Legal       Commons         99 %    Visibilise      Control              Otherness                Suburbia  Ad hoc  Awarded Exposed


One of the first interests which generated the project was the problematics between the city and its architectures. This is not a negation of architecture, but a recognition that urban decisions affect people much deeper their daily life than just the architectonic objects, although the belong to the same creative process.


The automatic project, this one which is not drawn at all and manually iterated by the designer/architect, is at the core of interest for the overall project. Instead of this, the designer/architect is responsible for coding and preparing the different routines which drive to a particular architectural object.





The average 80% of mobility in cities is caused by commuting. Urban sprawl during the 20th century has provoked the dissociation between residential and working areas. As consequence, a big amount of time is used for daily essential trips. Those massive flows direct the fast infrastructure network, always between home and work. None of the trips linked to other needs such as education, leisure or health; neither the functional dispersion in the suburbs, are effectively covered by those infrastructures. Only the private vehicle can solve the lack of compactness of suburbs. Modeling the dynamic behavior of the inhabitants of an urban area allows massive data analysis, patterns evaluation and an automatic detection of those points where an opportunistic use of the fast infrastructures of the city can program and maximize uses belonging to a compact and mixed city along the population displacement vector.


Opposed to a mobility which gives priority to individual trips, collective trips are encouraged and simultaneous common interests are used for producing meeting and activity spots.



Opposed to static analysis and considerations based on sensitive aspects of the city, and instead of an urban development model which promotes an economical use of territory; the current availability of a huge amount of data in live or gathered according to temporized locations, speeds, conditions and needs across the city allows to set out a new paradigm of work, analysis, evaluation and urban project.


However, this new paradigm is not only possible due to the permanent monitoring process where we are in a conscious or unconscious way (through many different personal devices). It is above all possible because of the existence of management tools which allow to transform that huge amount of data into operative information.


This way, coding, evaluation, generation and testing routines can be created. If oriented correctly, they can provoke the automatic resolution of projects and different situations. In any part of the process, it can be hybridized with discretionary decisions. So, the grade of automatism of the resulting project would depend on the number of discretionary interferences introduced in the programmed routines.


In the presented project, two solutions are exposed: the one resulting from a completely automatic solution of the project, and an intermediate degree of automation where only the occupation strategy is considered to be developed later as a more conventional and orthodox architectural project.